Deep Reflections: The Complexity and Symbolism of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ

Gilberto Sapalo
4 min readOct 20, 2023
Photo by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash

In the film “The Passion of the Christ,” directed by Mel Gibson in 2004, we are confronted with a scene of great intrigue and complexity.

At this moment, a mysterious character emerges, carrying a child, while Jesus, the central character, is subjected to a brutal beating.

This peculiar and sombre scene leads us to reflect deeply, even though the mysterious character chooses to remain silent. The sinister aura that surrounds him and the uniqueness of the child he is holding incite our curiosity and imagination.

Photo by Alicia Quan on Unsplash

The complexity of this passage, which went unnoticed by many at the time, is surprising. The scene unfolds as a profound symbolic representation, full of meaning. While Jesus Christ is subjected to extreme suffering, Satan appears in a childlike figure, perhaps to demonstrate to Jesus that even “the Devil” takes care of his son. This bold and dark representation contrasts with the divine permission for his own son to be subjected to humiliation and cruel torment, as an attempt to undermine the firmness of Christ’s sacrifice.



Gilberto Sapalo

Hi, I’m Gilberto, I’m a Digital Marketing Technician, content creator, blogger, freelancer, artist, singer, writer and composer.